30 September 2017-6th Annual Assault on Kennesaw Mountain-5K

Published on: 9/27/2017

6th Annual ASSAULT on Kennesaw Mountain 5K!

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Just days away from Atlanta’s ONLY organized run up historical Kennesaw Mountain in Memory of the 42 Georgia Army National Guard’s fallen soldiers lost during the Global War on Terrorism 2001-Present.

YOU are invited to join some of the Georgia National Guard’s finest for this awesome event! Great shirts and Finisher’s Medals!

AOKM 2017 Flyer

Opening Ceremony: 7:30 am at Grace Community Church, 770 Kennesaw Ave., Marietta, GA 30060

Start: 8:00 am ASSAULT UP Kennesaw Mountain

Awards Ceremony: 9:00 am at the top of the Mountain!

Pre-Register NOW at www.active.com or use link below:


NOT TOO LATE to be a sponsor and/or volunteer! Let us know if you can help or support!

For more information, send email to: aokm5krun@gmail.com

Like us on Facebook for updates: Assault on Kennesaw Mountain 5K Run

Proceeds benefit the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation, Inc.

Thanks to all for your participation and support!

AoKM 2013!